"Gas Fairies" On the distribution of deadly instructions for children on the net

A real fairy: how to become one and what is needed for this?

In order to turn into a real fairy, you will need a white blank piece of paper, a pen or pencil and a glass of water. Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down exactly why you want to become a fairy, what you see beautiful and interesting in her work. In addition, you should definitely clarify what skills you would like to have, because a real fairy always has her own special, individual abilities. After you write the necessary text, you need to drink a glass of water, and throw the sheet of notes through the open window. It is advisable to throw it not down, but to the side so that it flies as far as possible. After that, you need to go to bed and fall asleep. The next day, when you wake up in the morning, you will feel that you are a real fairy, with the desired skills and features. Some legends say that in order to become a fairy, it is not enough to throw a leaf out the window, but you need to eat it with the same glass of water.

How to become a water fairy: what do you need?

Many girls dream of becoming a water fairy, so we offer you a proven way to turn into this beautiful creature. So, you and I will need: a bowl or a small basin filled with cold water, a piece of paper of a specific color, a candle, a mirror and a desire to become a fairy. Now about a piece of paper: it must be of a certain color, which is determined by what kind of fairy you want to become. If you are a future love fairy, you will have to find a red piece of paper, if a nature fairy is green, and if a water element fairy, the color of the leaf should be blue or light blue. Proven transformation methods also advise cutting out a certain leaf shape: for love - a heart, for nature - a maple leaf, but for the elements of water - a wave or drop shape. After everything is ready, along the edges of the leaf it needs to be set on fire with a candle, which we lit in advance. After that, we immediately lower the leaf into the water, raise it in front of the mirror, so that you and the leaf can be seen in the reflection and repeat the phrase aloud three times: now I am a fairy. After saying the spell, the paper must be burned to the end. According to popular beliefs, it is believed that if the leaf went out quickly, then you managed to become a water fairy.

What does it take to become a fairy at home?

Here are some more proven ways to help you become a fairy at home without putting too much effort. So, in the first case, we need a bowl or bowl of medium size and a small amount of ice. We put the frozen water in a bowl and wait until it melts. The ice must turn into ice water, for which we will need a certain time. When we see that the process is completed, and there is ice water in the bowl, you need to lower your hand into it for thirty seconds. At the same time, we close our eyes and imagine that you have already managed to become a fairy with wings and certain skills that you choose yourself, at your discretion. After thirty seconds, we take out the hand from the ice water and smear it with shampoo, gel or butter and immediately wash it off with the same water where the hand was before. For two minutes, after the oil has washed off, it is necessary to intensively rub your hands one against the other. After some time, you will be able to become a fairy at home and master the desired abilities.

Another way to how to become a fairy for real, will require an empty bottle of cologne or perfume, salt, sugar, water, liquid soap and a tablespoon. We take three pinches of salt and fall asleep in an empty bottle, three pinches of sugar - we send it there, fill it all with a tablespoon of liquid soap, and then plain water. We shake the bottle and send it to the window to infuse for two weeks. After the specified period is over, you should sprinkle yourself with a real potion every day, like perfume, while thinking about how to become a fairy for real. After a certain number of days, the desire will come true and you will receive the long-awaited skills.

How to become a fairy with wings?

Here is a proven method, which was consecrated in other articles and books on how to become a fairy with wings in reality. You can perform the described ritual only on a full moon, in order for it to really work. So, wait until the full moon appears in the sky. You will need: a glass of water, a blank piece of paper and a writing object. On a piece of paper, describe in detail what kind of fairy you would like to become and what abilities you have. After that, go to the open window, taking with you water and a sheet with a description of the fairy. Set the glass so that the full moon is reflected in it, then lower the paper with the wish into the water. After that, all the water that was in the glass must be poured onto yourself. Having performed this ritual correctly, you can become a fairy in real life, which at night will become the owner of beautiful wings. If you can’t become a sorceress yourself, then you will certainly have a fairy friend, whom you can control the power of your own thoughts and control all her actions.

Let's try calling a fairy.

In order to become one of the little sorceresses, you can not only perform various rituals on your own, but also seek help directly from the fairies. To do this, we will first have to call them. So, what is needed for this. To begin with, as always, you need to decide which fairy element you would like to become the most, and depending on this, find the necessary object. For example, if you dream of becoming a water fairy, sit on the shore of a lake or river, if you are a music fairy, go to the source of musical sounds, and so on.

After you get close to the source, you need to call the fairy three times, for example, the water fairy, come! - and so three times. You can understand that the sorceress is in place by feeling a light breeze or hearing a quiet rustle. After that, you need to turn to her, with a request to endow you with magical powers. The request also needs to be structured correctly: to clarify that you want to get abilities only with good intentions and in no case will you use them to your detriment. If you do not specify this, the wish may not come true. Then go home and go to bed. Early in the morning you will wake up with the desired abilities.

What does it take to become a fairy of all powers?

To do this, we need very little: toothpaste and water. The Fairy of All Powers is also considered to be the main fairy who wields various powers. So, take the toothpaste and apply it on the index fingers of both hands. Leave the paste on your fingers for forty-five minutes, and after the time has elapsed, rinse with water. When cleaning hands from the paste, it is necessary to repeat the phrase five times: I am a fairy. After half an hour, the quiet voices of the fairies will be heard, which you must ask to become a fairy of all powers. After that, go to bed, but be sure to set an alarm for three in the morning and check if you succeeded and if you own new opportunities.

An easy way to become a fairy.

This is the simplest and most common option. Retire where no one will distract or hear you. Close your eyes tightly and repeat the phrase aloud three times: I am the most powerful and main fairy. In this case, you need to raise both hands above your head and at the moment when you pronounce the words, clap them into your hands. Do not think that everything will work out at once - you need to repeat this event for more than one day, but if you do everything right, then, in the end, you will get a long-awaited skill.

Another interesting way to become a fairy.

Try to believe that the dream has already come true and you are the same fairy that you have dreamed of becoming for a very long time. Feel it with all your heart, imbued with this thought. Try to understand that everything that surrounds you is already magic. The singing of birds, the bright sun or favorite toys - all this is endowed with particles of magical elements. Feel that you are also a sorceress, try to help people around you, treat a homeless dog with delicious food or help your parents at home - after all, this will be the magic that you do. The activity of each fairy, regardless of her element and abilities, is aimed at helping others, they strive to make the world better, brighter and more beautiful, and this does not always require wings or other abilities. Start with a smile, a positive attitude towards people and helping others, and everything else will come gradually. Well, we hope we have given you enough advice, how to become a fairy- proven methods will certainly help you realize your dream.

Like an article by a real fairy (video 1):

Like an article by a real fairy (video 2):

Like an article by a real fairy (video 3):

How to become a fairy for real on your own? The question is of interest to girls, since it is known about the magical properties of fairies and that much is subject to sorceresses. Becoming a fairy is not so difficult, but you have to try.

In the article:

How to become a fairy at home

To become a real fairy, it is determined what magical properties one would like to adopt from a character: a lot of things are subject to sorceresses.

These magical creatures are able to fulfill desires, command the elements.

Before performing rituals, it is worth deciding on the purpose. If the caster wants to become a wish-fulfilling fairy, it is worth answering the question of whether the girl is ready to help people all her life. If so, a simple ritual is performed.

Need . There are many ways of varying degrees of difficulty. The simplest option will require the presence of colored felt-tip pens or pencils, a sheet of paper, a beautiful live flower and sugar. A red circle is drawn on a sheet of paper, orange around it, then yellow, green, blue and purple. You should get a round rainbow. This is how the sorceresses see her in flight.

Put a flower in the center of the rainbow and sprinkle with sugar. After that, they begin to read the spell three times:

Fairy of desires, I challenge you. Everything is prepared for you: a seven-color rainbow, a beautiful flower bud and sweet shiny crystals. Sugar glitters on magic petals, a flower stands in a seven-color circle, the Fairy appears that hour. As there are many grains in sugar, so my desire is strong, I can’t even count them, I desire so much. Fairy sorceress, come! Fairy sorceress, come! Fairy sorceress, come.

If after the phrase the caster does not see the fairy, do not be upset - these creatures are rarely shown to people. But the presence of a magical being is felt intuitively. Where a fairy appears, there is a special atmosphere of magic. If grains of sugar fall off the flower, the sorceress is nearby.

When the little helper comes to the call, you need to ask:

Wish Fairy, hear me, help me. Give me magical powers, knowledge, wisdom, beauty and charm. Give me strength to help people. I ask not for myself, in order to save the suffering, to help those who need me. Grant me magical powers. Make me a fairy May it be so.

Communication with most magical creatures involves offerings and gifts. They say:

I want to appease you, I brought you a gift. Fulfill the request, you will receive it.

Spread sweets and decorations on the windowsill - a gift. Do not be greedy: if the sorceress realizes that work is not appreciated enough, she will get angry.

If the caster asks from a pure heart, with good intentions, a magical creature will help to become a real fairy. The result will be very soon. A wave of positive energy will envelop the person, and the fairy of desires will endow the girl with amazing abilities during the ritual or in a few days. Delayed transformation means that the caster is in doubt. The decision of the sorceresses is inclined in the right direction by good deeds: only the worthy can join their ranks.

Transformation into a fairy in 1 minute in real life

The ritual is quick, used if the caster initially has a large supply of energy. If the magician does not have enough strength to perform a quick rite, the ritual cannot be completed. To carry out the transformation, one should go out into nature - a river bank, a forest, an open area.

It is desirable that there are no people nearby: no one needs extra confirmation of the existence of magic. The caster should spread his arms wide, raise his head up to the sun. Feel how the sun's rays touch the body, envelop, as if creating invisible protection and magic wings, and the magician receives magical properties.

You should tune in to this wave. Usually one minute is enough. The following is a single sentence:

Wings of sunlight woven, magical powers donated by nature, from now on I am a real fairy and I can work real miracles.

After that, the girl will feel that real fairy wings have appeared from the sunlight. It is nature that gave unique abilities that are used only for good purposes. If the magician uses magical powers to harm people, nature will take away the power as quickly as it bestowed.

The secret way to transform

There are many ways. If a person is the mistress of natural forces, they initially determine the patron element.

They stop at the elements according to the sign of the Zodiac. If this choice does not suit you, you need to prepare for the difficulties along the way. It is much easier to ask for help from the element to which a person initially belongs. Managing natural phenomena is quite difficult.

There is a universal secret rite that will allow you to join any chosen element. For the ceremony to be successful, you need to choose a suitable place:

  • forest - fairy land;
  • the coast of the reservoir - the fairy of water;
  • windy place - air fairy;
  • the platform on which the fire is safely made is the fairy of fire.

After determining with the elements, they look for a suitable place for the ceremony and mentally prepare for the transformation. For the ritual, they come to the appointed place before dawn. Sunrise is met at the site of the ritual. As soon as the sun begins to rise, the words are spoken:

Mother earth / sacred fire / wild wind / water, giving strength (depending on which element is being addressed), give me strength. Give me wisdom, give me endurance, give me stamina not to turn off the path I have chosen. Make me a real fairy. Give me the opportunity to control the elements, bestow good on people, and perform miracles. And I promise to be your obedient daughter and follow your laws in everything.

During the pronunciation of the conspiracy, they are as close as possible to the elements: they touch the earth, lower their hands into the water, raise them to the wind, stretch them to the fire. The plot is repeated three times, after which the caster will feel that the spirits of the elements have come. If the entities are dissatisfied with the call and do not give strength, the magician will feel great anxiety, fear, confusion.

If the forces of nature agree to bestow unique magical abilities, peace, joy, and happiness will be felt. The caster will feel how energy flows depart from the attribute, symbolizing the elements, enveloping in a dense cocoon.

When the chosen element charges with an energy flow, they go home. When referring to the elements of fire, the fire is extinguished so that no one knows that a ritual was being performed.

There will be changes the next day, but it doesn't end there. The abilities bestowed by the elements should be developed. Carry out. As skills develop, the magician will be able to perform miracles without resorting to spells.

How to become a real moon fairy

A lot has been said about magical abilities and the Moon. Moon fairies are subject to fulfill the most cherished desires. The sorceresses of the moon are able to influence the course of events, see or change the future. If a girl wants to join the fairies of the moon, one ritual is performed.

They wait for the full moon, when the sorceresses are strongest and can reward with a rare gift. At midnight, you need to go to the window and open it so that you are under the light of the moon.

It is desirable that the moonlight completely illuminates the figure of the caster. Even if at least to the waist, it's already good. They prepare a sheet in advance and write about the desire to become a fairy.

When the magician is illuminated by moonlight, they take out a sheet with a written desire. Loudly read the request and say:

Fairy of the moon, in my requests I call you. I beg you, grant me magical powers, give me the opportunity to join you and become a moonlight fairy!

Next, they take matches and a small saucer, where they put a note with a desire. The paper is set on fire, the ashes are blown into the wind. You can go to sleep. If the rite is carried out correctly, the moon fairy will surely hear and bestow magical abilities.

Every girl is capable of becoming a fairy, you just need to try. If you turn into a magical creature, it's hard to return to human form. The exception is situations when the forces donated by patrons are taken away. To prevent this from happening, you should do good and help people.

In contact with

MOSCOW, March 4 - RIA Novosti, Larisa Zhukova. A new round of distribution of suicidal content among children was discovered in Vladimir. The local police are looking for the authors of an Internet mailing list with instructions on how to become a fairy. What is behind such messages - in the material of RIA Novosti.

"How to become a fairy"

The interest of the Vladimir police was aroused by the picture "How to become a fire fairy at home", designed in the style of the animated series "Winx Club: Fairy School", popular with children. The instructions talk about a magical "transformation" with a gas stove. The main condition of the "rite" is to perform it at night while the parents are sleeping.

The query "how to become a fairy" is quite popular. Over the past month, only Yandex was interested in this at least 32 thousand times. In total, 39 million sites are displayed on the network for such a request.

One of them describes the reason for the children's interest in this way: "After watching a cartoon about the Winx fairies, many of the girls began to ask how to turn into a real fairy with wings, and are looking for a real and simple way to transform. There was a desire to have great strength, flutter around the world, and remain cute and small "(spelling and punctuation preserved - ed.).

Most of the ways to become a "fairy of fire, water and nature of all forces" are relatively harmless: turn to the "fairy of desires", "treat" her with sweets, spread toothpaste on your hands for half an hour, collect ice in a plate and dip your hand into melted water, and so on. .

No laughing matter

For a long time (since at least 2013), Internet users found it amusing to be gullible children and told each other about what ridiculous ways they find online.

© Photo: screenshot from the public "VKontakte"Screenshot from the public "VKontakte"

© Photo: screenshot from the public "VKontakte"

The popular video blogger Syenduk (Dmitry Karpov) was the first to draw attention to the dangerous picture at the end of 2014. He devoted three videos to sarcastic stories about "magical transformations" and collected over seven million views.

However, the Internet community started talking about "gas fairies" only in the spring of 2016. The alarm was sounded by parents in several regions of the country at once. The same text - an anonymous mother's story about how she woke up at night from the smell of gas and found her seven-year-old daughter in the kitchen - spread through the largest virtual communities.

In the summer it became known about the first tragic case. The incident occurred at the end of 2015 in Cheboksary. Five-year-old Sonya decided to "become a fairy" from the cartoon "Winx", acting on the ill-fated instructions, while the adults were not at home. The child received 50 percent of the body burns.

“The granddaughter refused porridge and wanted dumplings, I decided to run to the store, pamper my granddaughter. I was gone for forty minutes. I couldn’t think of such a thing. I still blame myself,” the girl’s grandmother told reporters.

Last year's reaction and results

The author of the picture could not be found. Only in Rostov-on-Don, an attempt was made to detain the distributor of suicidal content. It turned out to be a 16-year-old teenager, a student at a local technical school, Ekaterina Stenyakina, chairman of the Committee on Youth Policy of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region, told RIA Novosti.

The work was carried out by Internet volunteers led by activist Alexei Azarov. Rostovites started monitoring social networks involuntarily - after the Boeing 737 crash in March last year. Then comments began to appear inciting ethnic hatred from residents of a neighboring country, Stenyakina recalls. Vigilant citizens staged an Internet watch, and a strange public about fairies with a suspicious picture fell into their field of vision.

The community administrator was detained, but no criminal case was opened. According to activists, he immediately repented of his deed and said that he had published a suicide instruction as a joke. The group on the social network was blocked. Roskomnadzor entered the page with instructions on the Pikabu resource into the register of prohibited sites.

The Rainbow company, which is responsible for the Winx Club brand, also responded to reports of a strange picture. On June 9, 2016, Rainbow CEO Iginio Straffi filed a complaint with the Moscow prosecutor's office about damage to business reputation and a request to open a criminal case against the creators of the material (a copy is at the disposal of the editors).

"Rainbow deeply regrets the distribution of material that appears to contain instructions for committing suicide and uses Winx Club characters. Rainbow, whose products aim to promote the values ​​of kindness among children, is shocked by such cynical material that is obviously aimed at harming children," - told RIA Novosti in the press service of the organization. Employees of the company expressed the hope that law enforcement agencies will sort out the situation.

However, in social networks, both the picture and its text content with instructions are still freely distributed. There are more than two thousand thematic communities on VKontakte about the Winx fairies, which makes it difficult for responsible citizens to monitor manually. It is problematic to block suicidal calls: applications with complaints about content are considered within a day, and it is not difficult for attackers to distribute prohibited information during this time.

Alexandra Arkhipova emphasizes that despite the fact that such stories themselves are urban legends, they can provoke people to bring them to life. Anthropologists and folklorists call this phenomenon "ostensia". For example, some of the "curators" of the game "blue whale" who send threats and tasks to teenagers are themselves children: "Such stories are a very convenient way to scare classmates and thereby gain authority."

What to do

Children, due to their age, are not always able to distinguish between evil and good intentions, psychologist Inna Snegireva notes. She cites as an example a case at a consultation when a girl could not believe that evil advice could be hidden behind a beautiful picture with her favorite characters.

According to the psychologist, the child was confused by the benevolent tone of the dangerous message, the anticipation of magic and the beautiful azure blue background: “Children's perception is more focused on the emotional component. Children are used to the fact that in fairy tales negative characters look scary and evil, and their voices are extremely unpleasant. In this regard, advice from a good fairy in beautiful colors can be perceived positively."

Parents believe that if something is explained to the child once, then this will be enough, the specialist complains. She emphasizes that it is not. You need to speak using examples and in the form of a dialogue:

The psychologist summarizes: the more time parents have to be interested in the life of the child and participate in it, the less risk that someone will take advantage of his gullibility.

Right now. Recently, a huge number of cartoons about fairies have appeared, after watching which, the girls began to seriously think about the question of how they themselves can turn into real fairies of all powers, like Winx. All girls want to fly around the world, have great power, while remaining a little beauty. We will describe to you some simple ways to transform and transform into a real fairy with wings. Read and memorize, future little fairies.

Also, if you can’t turn into a fairy yourself, you can make a fairy friend who will not let you get bored and will become the best toy and friend for you. In the meantime, check out what fairies are and what powers they have.

How to become a fairy right now

The easy way to turn number one. Write your desire on a piece of paper, you need to write that you are burning with the desire to become a real fairy with wings, but there are still conditions, you must specify in more detail what kind of fairy you want to become (fire, water, nature, you can even all the forces at once ) After that, you need to drink a glass of water, and throw this piece of paper out the open window so that it flies far, far away. Go to bed. Waking up, you will already be a real fairy.

The second great way to turn into a winx fairy at home. Type cold water into a bowl, take colored paper, for each type of fairy the paper should be of a certain color (for a love fairy - red, if a nature fairy, then green, etc.). You will also need a mirror and a candle. Cut out a heart from red paper, a leaf of a tree from green, a sea wave from blue, the symbol depends on which fairy you would like to turn into. Then set fire to the edge of the paper with a burning candle. Put paper in water. Then, reflect it in the mirror. Then, look in the mirror and say: "I want to turn into a real fairy of all powers!", repeat this spell three times, loudly and clearly. Burn the paper completely. If the flame goes out quickly, it means that you have turned into a real fairy.

If you can’t do anything with turning into a fairy, you can pay attention to the purchase of a fairy at the end of the article, and who knows, maybe she will teach you all the abilities that they possess.

How to become a real fairy

The third way to transform into a Winx, no less wonderful way to turn into a real fairy is as follows. Put ice in a large vessel, wait until it melts. Further, for one or two minutes, put your hand into this vessel, close your eyes and in your imagination turn into a fairy, choose a certain power for her. Remove your hand from the container and wash your hands with soap. Rinse your hand in the same vessel, immediately after lathering. Then, rub hand in hand for two to three minutes. After completing this ritual, within a few days, you will definitely turn into a real fairy.

How to become a fairy in real life

The fourth tip for turning into a real fairy with wings in real life. Take an empty bottle of perfume or toilet water. Fill it with tap water. The next point is very important. Pour three tablespoons of table salt, three tablespoons of cane sugar, two tablespoons of soda and a tablespoon of liquid soap into the water. Then, let this bottle stand for two or three weeks on the windowsill. Then, every day you have to splash yourself with the resulting magic potion from this bottle, while imagining how you become a real fairy (do not forget to choose a power). In one to two weeks, the transformation will be completed!

The fifth way to become a fairy at home lies in the fact that after waiting for the full moon, you should describe the fairy of your dreams on a piece of paper, then, going to the open window, reflect the moon in a pre-prepared glass of water and lower the leaf with desire into this glass. Pour water from a glass into the window and your wish will come true, you will become a real fairy.

How to turn into a fairy forever

The sixth, the surest way to turn into a real fairy forever, I am talking with the fairy herself, let her give you her abilities. To talk to a fairy, you need to call her to talk. If you want to become a fire fairy, then sit next to the fire, if you want to become a moon fairy, then look at the full (this condition is required) moon. Then quietly call the fairy you want to see (for example: “Moon Fairy, I summon you!”). If you feel a light breeze, or goosebumps, or the rustle of wings, then the fairy has responded to your call. Ask her for the strength you want. And do not forget to say that you will use this power only with good intentions, if you do not say this, then the fairy may think that you want to become an evil fairy and not grant your request. After talking with the fairy, come home, brush your teeth and go to bed. You will wake up as a fairy with real wings and magical powers.

The surest way to become a fairy of all elements

Method number seven. If you use it, you will become a fairy of all elements. You will need toothpaste. Spread the paste on your fingernails and hold in this state for 5-10 minutes (the more you hold, the stronger you will become a fairy). After that, inhale more and say out loud: “the fairy of all the elements.” Repeat this phrase as many times as you can (in one breath), the more times you say it, the better you will become a fairy. Then a fairy will appear, politely ask her to give you magical powers (if you ask not politely, she will not agree). Go to bed. In a dream, you will dream about how you turn into a fairy. Waking up, you will be a real fairy.

How to turn into a cute fairy

The eighth way to turn into a cute fairy with wings in a minute. Make sure that you are at home alone (no one should interfere with you in performing this ritual). Stand in the middle of the room, raise your hands above your head and say aloud a spell: “I don’t want to be a simple person, I want to be a fairy, with a golden wing!” Repeat this ritual ten times. The fairies will hear you and will surely give you their power.

The easiest way to become a fairy

The ninth method I advise you to use only those girls who have a cat. The easiest way to become a fairy with wings right now. During the full moon, take your cat in your hands, stroke it and when it starts to purr, ask it for the ability of a fairy. The fact is that cats are special animals and they have a magical connection with the land of fairies. If your cat likes how she was stroked, then a fairy will definitely fly to you the next day and give you her wonderful abilities.

How to turn into the main fairy

The tenth method is the most difficult. You have to perform a difficult ritual. Write on a piece of paper: “Greetings, O main fairy, I am ready to pass your test!”. Go to bed. When you wake up, a question will be written on your piece of paper. Answer it. If you answer correctly, you will be asked a new question the next day. A very important condition is to answer honestly, without using the tips of adults or the Internet, if you break this rule, the ritual will be interrupted, and the main Winx fairy will be offended by you. If you answer all the questions, you will take the place of the main fairy, I wish you success! Thank you for taking from our useful site.

sea ​​fairy

Eleventh way to transform into a fairy. Fill the bath with warm water, lie down in it. After lying in it for thirty minutes, call the sea fairy with the words: “Sea fairy, I call you!” Then tell her that you want to be a sea fairy with a tail. If you have a good heart and a pure soul, then the fairy will surely fulfill your desire. Thus, you can only turn into a sea fairy.

cute winx fairy

Method number twelve. Take a piece of chalk and write on the wall: “I want to become a winged cute fairy.” Let the inscription stay on the wall for 5-10 minutes, then erase it. Repeat this procedure for two weeks. In the third week, you will definitely turn into a real fairy.

The thirteenth method of transformation is designed for lucky girls. You need to cut out one hundred identical square small pictures, write numbers from one to one hundred on them. Shuffle them and pull out one card, if you pull out the card at number 77, you will become a fairy of luck. Repeat this magical ritual until you draw card 77.

Mighty fairy

Fourteenth way. This ritual must be performed in complete darkness at night. Kneeling down, start whispering: “Mighty fairy, come and reward me with your power!” Repeat this phrase until you hear the flutter of wings. Keep repeating the spell until you are asked the question: "Who are you and why did you call me?" In no case be afraid, do not open your eyelids. Answer courteously and politely. Say that you called the fairy so that she rewarded you with her power. Tell us how you love fairies and want to have the same power. Say that you will use it only to do good. If a fairy likes you, she will surely reward you with her knowledge and power.

Fifteenth way. Good fairies are known to live in flower buds. The plan is, go to a flower shop and buy a bunch of flowers with big buds. A fairy will definitely sit in some flower. Turn away from the bouquet, close your eyes and say: "fairy, let's live together." Say this several times. The fairy will definitely come out, if she sees the good in your heart, she will stay with you. Over time, when you make friends with her, she will surely reward you with her power.

sixteenth way. Just tell yourself that you are a real fairy. You have to believe it with all your heart. Learn to see the magic in the simplest things. Give people more positivity. Smile, speak polite and kind words, come to the rescue in difficult times. These are exactly the things that a real fairy should do, give people good. To become a real fairy with wings, you need to learn exactly this. It is not necessary to perform magical rituals, prepare potions or cast spells - everything is in your hands, you have the opportunity to become a fairy right now if you learn to give good to people around you.


Finally, I will say that there are people who are more predisposed to turning and transforming into a fairy, but there are very few such people. If a person knows how to freeze water with a glance, then he will easily become a water fairy. If he knows how to set fire to things with just a glance, then his path lies in the society of fire fairies. People who can move objects with their eyes are born fairies of the air.

It is worth saying that turning back into a person is easier than ever, you just have to do the same ritual, but in reverse order. I think that you can choose the way that suits you and fulfill your dream - How to become a fairy right now.

Who knows, all this is fiction or really this world hides fairies from us. It's a fairy tale or reality, it's up to you, there is only what we ourselves believe. Personally, I don’t believe much in such an existence of fairy fairies, but since these tips help people, then there is something magical and true in this. I advise you not to forget about the real world, to focus more on real life and not on fairy-tale characters. On the other hand, we ourselves choose what we believe. Thank you for visiting our advice site, we are sure this information will not be taken as something real. Believe what you see and live your life!

The modern Internet space is filled with various instructions and recommendations on how to become a fairy, and this is not just the machinations of a girl's fantasy, it is real life style, to observe which is not only interesting, but also useful.

After watching the Winx animated series, young girls dream of how to become a fairy right now and look for various ways to help their cherished dream come true. We have collected the most popular recommendations on how to become a fairy instantly or how to gain magical powers in just 5 minutes.

Separate methods will require more thorough preparation, because fairies are different, and for reincarnation, for example, as a fairy with wings or a fairy of all powers, different conditions and different instructions are needed. We will try to reveal to you the best ways to transform and tell you interesting facts about fairies that you did not even know about before.

Before you decide to become a fairy with wings in 1 second, let's figure out who the fairies are, what environment they live in and what abilities they have.

Fairies are such graceful girls who can fly, talk with water, transform into various animals and perform magic.

They are sweet, kind and very charming. Of course, we are talking about good fairies. After all, we are sure that you dream of becoming just such a fairy, fluttering on transparent wings and doing good deeds. However, this must be done discreetly, because no one except you should guess that you are a fairy. Just you need to sincerely believe in yourself, be responsive, kind, sincere, dress stylishly, strive for knowledge and take care of your appearance. This is exactly what real fairies do and more experienced sisters give them real wings.

Who knows, maybe you, following these recommendations, will earn the favor of the elder fairies and be able to become a fairy with wings in 1 second. But if the wings still do not appear, you can make them yourself. For this it is necessary cut out graceful wings from a dense film, paint them in your favorite color, and then sew in the center of the design is an old strap. Spray the finished wings with glitter polish and they're done!

How to become a Winx fairy?

Another reason to forget the gray everyday life and plunge into the enchanting world of fantasy was the most popular animated series "Winx". Millions of girls all over the planet, passionate about the adventures of charming cartoon sorceresses - Bloom, Stella, Roxy, Flora, Tekna, Musa and Leila, day and night only dream of how to become a Winx fairy.

These sorceresses kind, educated, beautiful and very friendly. They know how to sympathize with someone else's grief, love nature and will never pass by injustice. Therefore, if you decide to become a Winx fairy, you must have these qualities. But in order to turn into that cartoon fairy that you like the most, you should follow separate recommendations.

For example, Stella should turn into a full moon. After all, this fairy has the magic of celestial bodies. The ceremony can be performed at home: prepare a black cup of water in advance and after midnight say: “I want to become as beautiful as Stella.” After that, place the cup on the windowsill so that the light of the moon is reflected on the surface of the water. Leave the cup on the window until morning, so the water can be charged not only with lunar, but with solar energy. After that, drink water. Over time, you will begin to notice positive changes in your appearance. This is how the power of the fairy is manifested.

In general, the Winx fairies are known to us not only for the seven seasons of the series. Feature-length cartoons such as Fairies: The Secret of the Winter Forest, Mystery of the Pirate Island, Fairies: Magical Rescue and Fairies: The Lost Treasure also hit the big screens. In them, brave sorceresses fight evil and experience exciting moments of their busy lives. Each of them has its own magical power and is responsible for a certain element. For example, there is a fairy of water, fire, nature, animals, and even a super-powerful fairy of all powers..

If your favorite character "Winx" is Bloom, try to turn into her. To do this, you need to take a piece of colored paper in red or orange, a magnifying glass or a magnifying glass and a felt-tip pen or marker. With all these supplies, head to the nearest park. The sun must shine on this day. Find a secluded corner and write your name on paper, and then these words: "Turning into a fairy of fire." After that, set fire to the leaf by directing sunlight onto it with a magnifying glass. When the paper is completely burned, blow the ashes into the wind. After this ritual, you will notice that you can control the element of fire and control the direction of the smoke.

Of course, these are not all ways to become a fairy. With these recipes you can also try to become Winx Layla or Winx Muse. A more detailed video will help you transform into your favorite heroine, and you will learn how to control her magical power.

How to become a fairy for real?

Of course, "Winx" is just a beautiful plot of a popular cartoon. You can only learn from the young heroines their courage, determination, style and kindness. But in order to become a fairy for real, you should work a little.

  1. Firstly, learn to combine schooling and learning magical power. To do this, before each lesson, at a break, mentally tell yourself that you are a fairy. Imagine that this lesson is not simple, but magical and it will bring you a lot of magical knowledge.
  2. Secondly love math. Of course, you need to love all subjects (after all, fairies are smart), but mathematics can bring you more pleasure from studying than you think. For example, while solving problems, you can show imagination. Read the condition carefully, and if it is about girls, imagine that they are real fairies and you are helping them complete a magical task. When the task is solved, it means that the fairies have done it. And you helped them!
  3. Take care of your notebooks, keep them in order. In each notebook, put a small piece of paper in which it will be written that you are a fairy with real power.
  4. Every fairy has a magic wand. You can make it yourself, for example, from an ordinary ballpoint pen. Tie a beautiful colored bow on the cap and leave the pen on the windowsill overnight. The fairy queen will come and turn your pen into a magic wand. Outwardly, it will look like a regular pen and you can write with it at school and at home. Just don't tell anyone it's a magical item. No one should guess about it, otherwise the magic power will be lost.
  5. Make your textbooks magical. To do this, attach a special keychain or blotch to your school backpack. It can be made from a small toy with a fixed ring.

How to become a fairy with transformation?

To become a fairy with transformation ( that is, a fairy that can turn into various creatures), you must have a good imagination and be able to draw beautifully.

Only fairies can transform having wings and able to fly. It is very important. For example, you want to soar in the sky like a bird. Imagine that your body becomes much lighter, that you have feathers and wings begin to grow. In order to become a fairy with transformation and turn into animals and even plants, you need to train your imagination. Simple exercises will help you with this.